Why Use WASI if WASM Supported Languages Have Their Own Standard Libraries?
Image by Ashleigh - hkhazo.biz.id

Why Use WASI if WASM Supported Languages Have Their Own Standard Libraries?

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WebAssembly (WASM) has taken the world of software development by storm, promising a new era of platform agnosticism and performance. As more languages gain support for WASM, developers are faced with a critical question: why use the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) if WASM-supported languages have their own standard libraries? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of WASM and WASI, exploring the benefits and use cases of each, and providing clear guidance on when to choose WASI over language-specific standard libraries.

The Rise of WebAssembly

In 2015, a group of industry giants, including Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple, came together to create WebAssembly, a binary instruction format that allows code written in multiple languages to run on multiple platforms. WASM promised to bridge the gap between languages, providing a common runtime environment that would enable seamless communication and collaboration.

+--------+    +--------+    +--------+
|  C/C++  |    |  Rust   |    |  Python  |
+--------+    +--------+    +--------+
       |             |             |
       |             |             |
       v             v             v
|  WASM   |
|  Browser  |    |  Node.js  |    |  Standalone  |
+--------+    +--------+    +--------+

WASM’s Core Concept: Portability

At its core, WebAssembly is designed to be portable, allowing code written in one language to run on any platform that supports WASM. This is achieved through a layered architecture:

  • WASM module: compiled code from a specific language (e.g., C, Rust, Python)
  • WASM runtime: provides a sandboxed environment for the module to execute
  • Host environment: the platform that executes the WASM runtime (e.g., browser, Node.js, standalone)

The Emergence of WASI

As WASM gained traction, the need for a standardized interface between the WASM runtime and the host environment became clear. Enter the WebAssembly System Interface (WASI), a binary interface that provides a set of APIs for interacting with the host operating system.

WASI’s Goals: Universality and Flexibility

WASI’s primary objective is to provide a universal, language-agnostic interface for WASM modules to access host resources, such as:

  • Files and directories
  • Network sockets
  • System processes
  • Memory management

By providing a standardized interface, WASI enables developers to write WASM modules that can run on any host environment, without modification.

Platform Agnosticism + +
Language Agnosticism +
Host OS Interactions +

Why Use WASI?

Now that we’ve covered the basics of WASM and WASI, you might be wondering why you’d want to use WASI over language-specific standard libraries. Here are a few compelling reasons:

Universal Compatibility

WASI provides a standardized interface that can be used by any WASM module, regardless of the language it was written in. This means you can write a WASM module in Rust, for example, and use it with a Python application, without worrying about compatibility issues.

Platform Independence

WASI enables you to write WASM modules that can run on any host environment, without modification. This is particularly useful when developing cross-platform applications, where you want to ensure consistency across different environments.

Efficient Resource Management

WASI provides a set of APIs for managing system resources, such as memory and processes. This allows you to write more efficient code, as you can control resource allocation and deallocation explicitly.

Simplified Development

By providing a standardized interface, WASI simplifies the development process, as you don’t need to worry about implementing language-specific interfaces or worrying about compatibility issues.

Real-World Use Cases

WASI is more than just a theoretical concept; it has real-world implications and applications. Here are a few examples:

Cloud-Native Applications

WASI enables you to write cloud-native applications that can run on any cloud provider, without modification. This is particularly useful in the context of serverless computing, where you want to ensure that your code can scale efficiently and run on any platform.

Edge Computing

WASI’s lightweight and efficient design makes it an ideal choice for edge computing applications, where resources are limited and latency is critical.

Embedded Systems

WASI’s ability to provide a standardized interface for interacting with the host operating system makes it an attractive choice for embedded systems, where resources are limited and reliability is paramount.


In conclusion, WASI is an essential component of the WebAssembly ecosystem, providing a standardized interface for WASM modules to interact with the host operating system. By using WASI, you can write more portable, efficient, and scalable code, that can run on any host environment, without modification.

While language-specific standard libraries are useful, they are limited by their language-specific nature. WASI, on the other hand, provides a universal, language-agnostic interface that can be used by any WASM module, regardless of the language it was written in.

So, why use WASI if WASM-supported languages have their own standard libraries? The answer is simple: WASI provides a level of platform independence, universality, and flexibility that language-specific standard libraries cannot match.

+--------+    +--------+    +--------+
|  WASM   |    |  WASI   |    |  Host OS  |
+--------+    +--------+    +--------+
       |             |             |
       |             |             |
       v             v             v
|  Portability  |
|  Universality  |
|  Flexibility   |

By embracing WASI, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of WebAssembly, and create applications that are truly platform-agnostic, efficient, and scalable.

So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the world of WASI today, and discover the power of universal, language-agnostic interfaces!

Frequently Asked Question

Get clarity on why WASI is a game-changer, even when WASM-supported languages have their own standard libraries!

Q1: Why do I need WASI if Rust has its own standard library?

While Rust’s standard library is amazing, it’s designed specifically for Rust. WASI provides a universal, language-agnostic way for your code to interact with the operating system, making it possible to write system-level code in Rust (or any other WASM-supported language) that’s decoupled from the language’s standard library. Think of WASI as a bridge that connects your code to the OS, regardless of the language you choose!

Q2: But what about languages like Go, which have their own set of system libraries?

Exactly! Go’s system libraries are fantastic, but they’re still Go-specific. WASI fills the gap by providing a common, platform-agnostic way for your Go code (or any other WASM-supported language) to communicate with the OS. This means you can write system-level code in Go that’s not tied to the language’s specific libraries, making it more portable and reusable across different environments.

Q3: How does WASI benefit languages that don’t have their own standard libraries?

WASI is a lifesaver for languages that don’t have their own standard libraries! It provides a consistent, well-defined interface for interacting with the OS, which means you can focus on writing code without worrying about the underlying system details. This opens up new possibilities for languages like Lua, Python, or JavaScript, which can now tap into system-level functionality without having to reinvent the wheel.

Q4: Can I use WASI for non-system-level code, like web development?

While WASI is primarily designed for system-level programming, its benefits extend to other areas as well. For example, WASI can provide a more secure and portable way to interact with the file system or network resources, even in web development scenarios. This means you can write more robust and efficient web applications using WASM-supported languages, while still leveraging the power of WASI under the hood.

Q5: Is WASI a replacement for language-specific standard libraries?

Not at all! WASI complements language-specific standard libraries, rather than replacing them. Think of WASI as a common denominator that enables language-agnostic system-level programming, while still allowing each language to maintain its unique strengths and libraries. This coexistence enables a more diverse and vibrant ecosystem of WASM-supported languages, each with their own flavor and capabilities.